The Sharon Community Chamber Orchestra (SCCO) is comprised of student and adult musicians from Sharon, Massachusetts and nearby communities. It is our mission to provide our musicians, young and old, with an opportunity to play in an orchestra and to provide the community with high-quality orchestral performances. Under the direction of Michael Korn since 2008, the orchestra has grown in size and stature. The Sharon Community Chamber Orchestra is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization incorporated in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The orchestra relies on your generosity to help fund our programs. With your support, the SCCO can continue to provide high-quality music to the community.
Donors are acknowledged in all programs of the applicable season.
Friend of the SCCO - any donation under $240.
Bronze sponsor - donations of $240-$499.
Silver sponsor - donations of $500-$749.
Gold sponsor - donations of $750-$999.
Platinum sponsor - donations of $1,000 or more.
Place an Advertisement
Ad copy may be submitted in .pdf form to the orchestra's email: scco-board@googlegroups.com
Half-page ad in the fall, winter, or spring program: $100
Half-page ad in the fall, winter, and spring programs: $250
Full-page ad in the fall, winter, or spring program: $200
Full-page ad in the fall, winter, and spring programs: $500
Payment Options
Please send your check payable to:
Sharon Community Chamber Orchestra, Inc.
P.O. Box 128
Sharon, MA 02067
Or submit a payment via PayPal to sccorchestra@gmail.com